About us

Margam Evans Limited

Margam Evans Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales, number 05152842. The company's registered address is 180 Aylsham Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8UF.

Margam Evans was incorporated in June 2004 by Paul Evans, who is the Director of the company and the majority shareholder.

The company generally operates within greater London.

History and interests

After leaving Business Link for London in 2004, Paul Evans set up Margam Evans to provide his services as an independent business advisor and to run his other interests. The company quickly built up an initial client base. However, other opportunities for Paul and then a separate business venture meant that it operated on a part-time basis for several years.

From October 2011, the company has been a registered bookkeeping practice (with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, number 11838), providing Paul's services as a certified bookkeeper (formally, his qualification is MICB CB.Dip).

The company's main business nowadays is:

for small enterprises across London.

In addition, Margam Evans

Paul Evans

ICB logo

Practice 11838

Paul is a certified bookkeeper with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, MICB CB.Dip.

He was a Business Adviser with Business Link for several years, working with small and medium-sized enterprises in London.

Paul's early career was with NatWest Bank and, before that, Esso Petroleum.

His interest in business goes back to his business studies degree (B.Com) at Birmingham University.

Under his pen name, Pevans, Paul is well known in the board games hobby and industry. You can find out more about this at Pevans's website.


You can find out about Margam Evans's bookkeeping services or Margam Evans's e-business services or contact Margam Evans for more information.